Mike Warren reveals the unlimited amount of money you can make in real estate using hard money and lenders and forgetting about banks, flipping laws or brokers.

This training will teach you the Secrets of hard money to build your real state fortune that you competition only wishes they knew. Learn how to get money in 24 hours and never worry about losing a deal again



Make hard money lenders beg you to take their money


Develop relationships with hard money lenders the right way


Make a fortune with hard money


Avoid hard money loan risks


Learn the inside secrets to hard money


Structure a deal that gets accepted instantly


Get access to all the cash you ever need


Get hard money lenders to call you with deals


Plus much, much more...

iPhone Personal Assistant… This Could Be Cool.

iPhone Personal Assistant… This Could Be Cool.

iPhone Personal Assistant… This Could Be Cool. Imagine this… You just came out from the movies and it’s raining. You’re in a strange city and you don’t know where to get a cab. There’s no need to fear… Siri is here. Open up your iPhone click on Siri and...

I love flipping businesses

I love flipping businesses I love flipping businesses. $5 figure monthly cash flow, huge equity and 7-8 figure pay days in just 2 or 3 years. get asked all the time “Mike, what types of companies do you like to buy and what industry?” Here are just a few...

Flipping A House For Cash

Flipping A House For Cash A lot of people these days are preaching about the buying and holding method of gaining wealth with real estate. There indeed may come a time in your life or business when you’ll want to hang onto a piece of property, although...

Cheap Homes

Cheap Homes When it comes to real estate, it’s really hard to beat a cheap home. Cheap homes are very affordable, and ideal for those on a budget. For real estate agents, these types of homes represent a way to buy a home at a low price, build it up some...

Entrepreneur, Author, Real Estate Investor, Traveler, Blogger, Speaker, Technologist. Spending time with my kids makes me feel young.