Discover How Simple ‘Inner-Circle Strategies’ Will Allow You To Easily Create An Automated Real Estate Cash Generating Empire!
The Multiple Income Streams™ Cash System Works!
Why am I offering you a 100% Iron-Clad 365-Day
“You’d-Better-Make-Some-Money” Money-Back Guarantee?
Because it WORKS!
YES! I’m ready to be the next underground millionaire. I’m ready to begin controlling my own destiny and enjoy life more! I want to be your next success story.
I also understand that your entire system comes with a 365-Day, Better Than Money-Back Guarantee so I have absolutely nothing to lose for giving your program a try.
I’m registering right now 100% risk free, for Mike Warren’s Multiple Income Streams™ quick start system which includes: 4 books and 4 CDs ($7k in 7 Days Stopping Foreclosure, Secrets to $10k a Month with 3rd Party Short Sales, Making Money with Bad Bank Notes, $12,871 a Month with Judgments, Liens and Options), and much, much more all for just $39.95 (Value $504). And I also understand that I’ll get instant access to everything I need the moment I’m done signing up.

$7,000 in 7 Days Stopping Foreclosure
- A simple system that shows you how to easily put $7,000 or more in your pocket in just 7 days.
- Simple strategies to make money by helping people!
- Why helping homeowners in foreclosure will make your pockets fat with cash!
- Create wealth without the risk of buying real estate
- Everything can be done virtually (meaning you never have to leave your home, you never have to meet face to face with clients and never have to meet any banks)
- And so much more!

Making Money With “Bad Bank Notes”
- Learn how to get the bank to pay you when they do a short sale
- $30,000 Payday in just 30 Days!
- How to negotiate like a pro!
- What 96% of people don’t know about building wealth!
- How to use simple ideas to make millions!
- Learn why banks will do back flips and beg you to take the house off their hands at a tremendous discount.
- And so much more!

Secrets to $10k a Month with 3rd Part Short Sales
- How to profit from foreclosures by controlling the paper!
- A simple formula for breakthrough success!
- The 3 biggest obstacles to accomplishing a goal!
- How to make money without risking any of your own!
- How to find note owners
- And so much more!

Secrets to $10k a Month with 3rd Part Short Sales
- $15,000 in 30 Days!
- The secret to making money without real estate!
- Secrets to getting checks in the mail without leaving you house!
- How to make money “virtually” using the internet! (meaning you never have to leave your home, you never have to meet face to face with clients and never have to go to court)
- How to find unlimited number of leads ABSOLUTELY for free.
- How to outsource all the work and keep a large percentage of all the profit
- How to control of the debt on property for no more than $1.00 out of your pocket. It does not matter if the house is in foreclosure, is being bought by a new homeowner or is under contract with an investor doing a short sale. You still get paid.
- And so much more!
What Else Do I Receive With My CD Order?
When you order your Multiple Income Streams Home Study System, you will receive five (5) bonuses worth a total of $1389 which includes: free reports, a free strategy session, and 2 free newsletters and a trial membership into my exclusive Inner Circle!
Special Report: ”How To $13,571 a Month Stopping Foreclosure
Learn the secrets Mike uses to generate an average $2500 per house by stopping the foreclosure and giving the homeowner what they want.
Free One-on-One Strategy Consultation
Free success assessment from a top real estate mentor . Discover the same coaching system that has changed the lives of hundreds of top real estate investors around the country and now you! Discover how to get absolute clarity, power and become financially free through real estate this year! To show you how committed we are to your success we will call you
You’ll be entitled to a FREE 1 month membership in Mike Warren’s newsletter called “Multiple Income Streams Newsletter” – this is, by itself, worth $588 per year
FREE Trial Membership
When you get your books and CD’s today you’ll also receive a free 30-day trial membership into my “Multiple Income Streams Insiders Circle” membership program so you can see how powerful and profitable the information truly is. Plus, if after the 30-day trial period you decide the Fast Track isn’t for you you can cancel your $98 membership at any time no questions asked.
Free Online “How-To” Newsletter -get 52 FREE hot tips delivered to your email box each week on creating your Cash Generating Real Estate Empire.
You don’t want to miss a minute of this powerful, timely, and profitable information. Discover Mike’s exact steps to following up and ensuring his deals close on time. Plus you will get insider tips and strategies for creating Multiple Income Streams that pay you each and every month
Bi-Monthly Coaching Calls
Listen in 2 times a month as Mike personally trains you on how to create and manage a real estate cash generating empire. This is a private number only available to Mike’s inner circle coaching students. You will also get access to recordings of the call so you don’t miss a minute of this powerful, timely, and profitable information. The calls can be downloaded into your computer, burned to a CD or copied to your iPod for easy listening.
Discover Mike’s exact steps to following up and ensuring his deals close on time.
Total Bonus Value: $889
Yours for only $39.95! Limited Time Offer!
04:14 minutes remaining
Why Did Mike Warren & His Top Coach
Record This Course?

Because years ago, Mike Warren, was scratching for success in the real estate investing business. He’s been around in good markets and bad markets. He’s been at the bottom of the investing barrel and totally built back up to a real estate investing empire, now he’s decided to share his secret real estate cash generating information with you so you can do the same… This powerful 4 CD & 4 Book system were created just for you.
And quite frankly, Mike wants to give back and he is tired or all the MIS- INFORMATION and B.S. HYPE that is flying around about real estate and the mortgage meltdown. So now he is sharing with you the techniques that work, the ones you need to know, and with this Quick Start System, you can listen to them over and over again. Whenever you want, wherever you want!
To Multiple Income Streams,
The Real Estate Assassin
P.S. “The Multiple Income Streams™ Downloadable Home Study Course” gives you everything you need to create the life you’ve been putting off.
P.P.S. Remember, you must order by to get in on “The Multiple Income Streams™ Audio Series” free bonus (worth $889). I kid you not – the information in these audio’s alone can turn your entire life around, and bring you all the wealth you’ve dreamed of.
P.P.P.S.: Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Don’t miss out on this historic window of opportunity. No hype. No rah-rah. There has never been a better time to make a fortune in real estate. The time to act is now, before this door of opportunity slams shut! You’ll kick yourself if you don’t at least take a look at it.